Predictive Aging of Reliability of Two Delay PUFs
To protect integrated circuits against IP piracy, Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are deployed. PUFs provide a specific signature for each integrated circuit. However, environmental variations, (e.g., temperature change), power supply noise and more influential IC aging affect the functionally of PUFs. Thereby, it is important to evaluate aging effects as early as possible, preferentially at design time. In this paper we investigate the effect of aging on the stability of two delay PUFs: arbiter-PUFs and loop-PUFs and analyze the architectural impact of these PUFS on reliability decrease due to aging. We observe that the reliability of the arbiter-PUF gets worse over time, whereas the reliability of the loop-PUF remains constant. We interpret this phenomenon by the asymmetric aging of the arbiter, because one half is active (hence aging fast) while the other is not (hence aging slow). Besides, we notice that the aging of the delay chain in the arbiter-PUF and in the loop-PUF has no impact on their reliability, since these PUFs operate differentially.
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